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Anten Mills News

SS# 11/14 Anten Mills School – By Brian Keyes, Feb. 9, 2025

In 1871 the Ontario government passed the Ontario School Act. This meant that education was now universally paid through tax dollars and attendance was compulsory. The province was divided into School Sections (SS) which usually measure 5-8 sq kms. The Anten Mills school established in 1875 consisted of two school sections (SS#11 Vespra and SS#14 Flos). Children from north & south of the village came to school swelling the 1st year attendance to 90 children which would have resulted in one noisy classroom.

The 1st schoolhouse was a converted driving shed from the local sawmill where teams of horses were previously tied up. There was a wood stove in the middle of the 1-room school that was stoked with 4 ft logs for heating. A local person would start the fire each morning so the schoolhouse was warm when the children arrived. There was no indoor plumbing so everyone used the outhouse for bathroom facilities resulting in occasional ‘accidents’ especially when the weather was cold. The 1st teacher was Ms. Cronan and her salary was $112.50 per year. Teachers often boarded with a local family.

In 1892 a new 1-room school was built using lumber from the Anderson-Tennant sawmill and bricks from Maw’s local brickyard with a total cost of $1500. Teachers varied in their approach to teaching. One male teacher was a disciplinarian as he carried a cane that he slapped on the desk to keep students on task. Another male teacher taught religion and love all day to improve student morals (rumour has it his tenure was short). Highlights of the school year were the Fall Fair, Christmas Concert, Arbor Day (modern version is Earth Day) and in June a closing picnic after which report cards were handed out. Stella Muir taught at SS# 11/14 and was a co-author of The History of Vespra Township.

One of the unique aspects of early schools meant that children walked to/from school each day. My neighbour Edward Wilson told me that one day when he was walking home from SS# 11/14 to the Golf Course Rd, a neighbour/relative came out to ask him to help her build a bookcase. After the bookcase was built Ms. Alden told Edward he was very good at the job and should consider that as a career. As many of you know, Edward did become a very skilled Cabinet Maker. This is a story of great inspiration.

As school enrolment dropped and larger schools were built, SS# 11/14 closed in 1968.  400 teachers and students attended a reunion that June with the oldest former student being 93 years young. In 1972 the Anten Mills school was sold by the Board of Education to Vespra Township for $1. The 1892 schoolhouse became the Anten Mills Community Centre. The school (community centre) along with the park/pavilion will be the focus of the Sept 13, 2025 Anten Mills 150th anniversary celebration.















by Dennis Gannon

Feb. 9, 2025- If there were ever to be a fire in a structure in our community what might you expect? Obviously the first thing would be the fire department and their trucks and the great contingent of volunteer firefighters. With those trucks would be the senior officer vehicles, a couple of pumpers that pump the water to the fire hoses and the fire as well as many tankers which transport water as the officer in charge decides is required. Where do the pumpers get their water from? If there is a fire hydrant nearby, firefighters could hook up to them. If hydrants are not available, which is common in the village, water would either be nursed from the tankers or they would use port-a-tanks where they would dump their water into. The tankers would then travel to a fire hydrant and refill and return. So where are the fire hydrants in the community? Primarily where there is municipal water available like the newer sections of Luella and Ghibb and then on Pinery and on Laddies Lane. There are singular hydrants on Wilson and Pineview. Why is it important that we know where the hydrants are? Unfortunately with the significant snow that we have seen this winter, most of them are buried. Fire spreads quickly. So much that firefighters face a challenge when they arrive on the scene. They shouldn’t have to worry about digging out a fire hydrant so they can get water. If there is a fire hydrant in front of your property or nearby, please take the time to dig out a clear area 1 meter by 1 meter all around it. Hopefully we don’t need the firefighters to access a fire hydrant anytime soon but if they do, know that you did your part in helping them by clearing the snow and making them accessible.

While the weather prognosticator groundhogs provided a mixed prediction of when Spring may appear, there is no question about when the Anten Mills Autumn Artisan and Crafters Fair will be this year. Roslyn has posted an invitation to those interested in participating on the event Facebook page, Anten Mills Artisan Craft Fair. The event is scheduled for Saturday, September 27 and those interested in participating are asked to submit their intent and preferred location by May 30. This has become a sought after venue for vendors and if you are interested or know someone who might be, check it out and sign up.

As we move closer to the Anten Mills celebrates 150, information about the requested upgrades to the community centre has become available. The flooring and ceiling upgrades were approved in the 2025 budget and contractors are being sought to do the work. The school bell and tower still remain a challenge but the township believes they have found an expert who can provide the necessary information on its restoration. It is believed that the tower structure is sound and the clapper in the bell is intact and moves. The bell and tower restoration are important elements of the 150 and the community is counting on the township to make certain that this comes to fruition.

Saturday, February 15 is an important day in Canada. It was on February 15, 1965 at the stroke of noon, our National Flag was raised for the very first time on Parliament Hill. This year marks the 60th anniversary that we have had our own national flag. Lester B. Pearson who was our Prime Minister during the 60’s wanted our own national flag in time for our centennial in 1967. A number of designs were submitted and the flag as we know designed by George Stanley became our independent symbol. When the flag was raised for the first time Pearson said “ May the land over which this new flag flies remain united in freedom and justice … sensitive, tolerant and compassionate towards all.”

As we celebrate our flag and its 60th anniversary it is imperative that we all fly our flag with pride, respect and honour particularly during this time.

This weekend will be busy with Valentine’s Day, the Family Day weekend and of course National Flag Day. Hopefully you can enjoy the celebrations and weekend with your family and friends. The community rink pad is in superb condition and if you are looking for some family fun, check it out.

That’s all for this week, as usual THANKS for READING, BE WELL and STAY SAFE.


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