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Penetanguishene News

Future Penetanguishene rec centre could skate past 2033 build target

By: Derek Howard, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Source:, Jan 21, 2025

Two reports on Penetanguishene’s recreation facilities were discussed at the recent committee of the whole meeting in Penetanguishene, addressing issues of maintaining current facilities while preparing for a future centre.

The aging 1954 Penetanguishene Memorial Community Centre (PMCC) and the 1973 Penetanguishene Curling Club (PCC) were explored in recent years as needing replacement rather than upkeep. In December 2023, council put a tentative 2033 placemarker for construction of a new multi-use recreation centre (MURC) which was projected to cost up to $49 million (as per a 2021 study).

Within the recreation and community services section, the first report was a 170-page update on the MURC project since 2023, which included its location at 51 Dunlop Street as well as a failed attempt to partner with the county, province, and Protestant Separate School Board last year.

However, the bulk of conversation was kept for the 170-page recreation facilities assessment report which recommended that annual capital budgeting exercises maintain function for the PMCC and PCC through to 2033; additionally, capital projects for the PCC would be brought to council for considerations.

As a suggestion, Mayor Doug Rawson pitched that the PMCC could follow an example he had observed from Oshawa where the ice surface could be converted to a dry court during the transition, which could save costs and increase usage within the facility while allowing staff to explore potential partnerships with other municipalities.

Recreation and community services director Sherri Desjardins replied that all options would be explored by staff as they looked at a future recreation master plan for the town, which could include the potential selling of the two facilities to help fund the larger MURC.

Coun. George Vadeboncoeur raised the question of the noted 2033 timeline, asking if any consultant had provided a projected end-of-life for the facilities as a council target; Desjardins replied there wasn’t.

It was a leading question toward the potential $49-million cost, with a date of 2033 being floated. “I think we’re a ways away,” Vadeboncoeur said, noting his conversations with interested residents wanting more information. “I tell people to be patient. I see this 2033 date in there and I’d like to be an optimist… but that’s (substantially) less than 10 years away. “To raise the kind of money that we’re talking about, I think we’re really being unfair to ourselves and potentially the public in terms of raising expectations,” he added.

Vadeboncoeur suggested that if a consultant noted a date of non-function for the PMCC and PCC, “Then we have something we can say: ‘Look community, look government, we’ve got to do something because we may be shut down.’ And that would be the worst thing is to be shut down in the middle of the season.”

On the 2033 timeline, chair Coun. Doug Leroux quipped: “It’s not something that’s written in stone; it could be on ice.”

The MURC update report and recreation facilities assessments report can be located on the agenda page of the Town of Penetanguishene website.

Meetings of Penetanguishene council are held on the second Wednesday of each month, and can be watched live on Rogers TV cable 53 when available, or on the Rogers TV website.

Archives of council meetings are located on the Town of Penetanguishene YouTube channel.

Parking study parked as Penetanguishene staff go for second look

By: Derek Howard, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Source:, Jan 22, 2025

When it comes to parking in Penetanguishene, politicians are picky about pickup trucks.

More specifically, the issues of size, space, blockage of sight lines at the top of Main Street, and sticking out into traffic as a hazard were brought up as concerns that council members had during two reports surrounding a town parking study and its recommendations.

Parking availability was just one concern held by town council from previous years when exploring the town dock renovation project which anticipated a redesign with potential cost of $8 million over the next 10 to 15 years.

Whereas consultants had recommended greater green space areas for the redesign, the community and council countered that parking availability was a greater need; the discussion precipitated an overall parking study for further information.

An October 2024 parking strategy study was presented at the recent committee of the whole meeting through LEA Consulting Ltd. senior vice-president Christopher Sidlar. The study looked to the downtown area and town dock, and provided recommendations on optimizations, enforcement, and future planning.

Two weekends were spent surveying the boat launch, in May and in July of 2024, which observed how full the estimated 146 passenger vehicle spaces and 55 vehicle with boat-trailer spaces occupied. The strategy study suggested that only 109 vehicle spaces (37 space decrease) and 53 trailer spaces (2 space decrease) were needed due to non-peak demand, with further suggestion that any overflow could park further up in the downtown.

Deputy Mayor Dan La Rose challenged the suggestion, calling himself a large user of the boat launch area and having witnessed peak capacity. “How would that affect our parking?,” asked La Rose. “(If parked on Main Street), then we have the businesses saying ‘now it’s more of a problem because I’ve got all these people parked for four hours’. And then your (solution) to that is… to hire more staff to ticket more cars; and then you want us to get into a shuttle bus system for a tour boat.”

Sidlar replied that the focus of passenger vehicle overflow could go to underutilized parking lots.  “It is a spreading of the demand during that peak hour, but not in a way of having trucks and trailers being spread across the on-street parking,” he said. “Rather than (passenger vehicles) being parked specifically at the town dock, they may be 400 or 500 metres away from the town dock at that point.”

Coun. Suzanne Marchand praised the study and its recommendations, and pointed out that the town’s annual Winterama festival had closed off access to the town dock entirely in previous years with visitors still able to find parking and attend.

Angled parking on Main Street were recommended for restrictions if vehicles exceeded 5.4 metres (or roughly 17 ¾ feet) in length; further recommendations would have the initial three spaces at the top near Robert Street removed in the long term.

Later in the meeting, the study recommendations were brought for consideration and bylaw changes to be ratified for a future council meeting. However, discussion became lengthy as council members each held views around pickup truck length restrictions in on-street parking spots.

Council recommendations included hosting a public information session, separating the town dock component, and more. As a solution to the confusion, La Rose suggested that the study be deferred back to the planning and community development services section, to return in an upcoming committee of the whole meeting; it was approved.

The parking strategy study and recommendations can be located on the agenda page of the Town of Penetanguishene website.

Meetings of Penetanguishene council are held on the second Wednesday of each month, and can be watched live on Rogers TV cable 53 when available, or on the Rogers TV website.

Archives of council meetings are located on the Town of Penetanguishene YouTube channel.

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